Butterfly Protocol tokens (BFLY) are publicly traded on several exchanges.
Other ways to trade include
View Governance Token Contract on
Etherscan here.
Maximum total supply will drop from the original 100 million when Top-Level Domains are sponsored. As of June 2021, close to 1 million or 1% of total supply has already been burned.
Original Tokenomics
The tokenomics around Butterfly are in place to bring hundreds
or thousands of new Top-Level Domains (TLD) to the decentralized web.
Each TLD is sponsored with either a community focused TLD or a private
TLD. The tokenomics around a public TLD is based on a decreasing use
of BFLY starting at the original 10,000 being burned to create a new
TLD and decreasing over time to the minimum of 100. Private sponsorship
requires 100,000 BFLY and then give the sponsor takeover rights for the TLD.
All TLDs are ERC-721 tokens and carry on as the respective TLD Root. However, private
TLD sponsors can have the root locked and then take the TLD cross chain. This opens
up a significant range of opportunities for sponsors.
See the original tokenomics here.